I have been performing on stage in one way or another for nearly six years now. I remember the first time I went on stage in college. It was electrifying. There is nothing that makes you feel quite as alive as acting in the theatre. I’ve done some pretty crazy things to feel alive so I really mean this.
But today. Today was something else. I didn’t try to be good on stage today. I was there to serve my own purposes. I did it purely for myself. Being on stage is quite a personal experience for me and something I have difficulty explaining to anyone, but today being on stage really felt like something I didn’t just do for fun, it felt like a need.
I was on stage today because the stage understands me and loves me as its own. It’s a parallel universe, like a dream, where the drudgery and mediocrity of real life isn’t allowed to enter. Things on the stage follow a fascinating sequence and the end is always at a climax.
And I was on stage because I love being part of a cast - a team of trained liars, who run, sing, dance,laugh, fall, cry, argue and do whatever the hell else it takes to bring the audience to its feet. People glorify leads but working in an ensemble can be fucking exciting.
And I was on stage today-most of all-because the stage feels like home, it always has.